Friday 24 April 2020


Time for Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup and the letter is Q and Quantity.  The QUANTITY of flower heads on this Camelia bush is QUITE amazing.  Lots of people have done so many things to show their support for the NHS's tremendous work and the QUANTITY of different stones on this wall shows us  how some are showing that.  I am glad I did not have to lift this QANTITY of bricks that I saw in a garden and one morning as I passed a large supermarket, there was no one in the QUEUE.  I finish with a huge QUANTITY of yachts in our Marina and shows a REFLECTION.

I hope you enjoyed walking with me today.
I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.
Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. I don't know if I have ever seen a Camelia bush. It is gorgeous!!

  2. Love the camellias and always love your reflections.

  3. Good series. I like your photo of the brick pile with its great pattern.

  4. Your first picture today, wins the prize for me. Just beautiful .

  5. Quite a walk, with beautiful and interesting sights.

  6. The camellia is amazing, they don't grow in Finland, only as house plants. I love your marine photo too. Take care.

  7. The flower bush is lovely, Margaret. I like those painted rocks! My husband and I picked up so many rocks once at the beach, with hopes of painting them. I still have the rocks, we never painted any, maybe someday. Stay safe, Dawn

  8. ...Margaret, you found QUITE the collection of QUALITY items in QUANTITY, thanks! Take care.

  9. The camelia bush is beautiful! I enjoyed seeing the colorful rocks. You sure found a lot of quantities. Happy Saturday!
