Monday 13 April 2020


A lot of the world now is asking us to isolate but we can go out for a walk to get fresh air and some exercise so probably for the foreseeable future my photographs were taken during my walks and today we start in Groomsport and walk along the coastal path.  So I ask you all to join me daily. I saw this Bug Hotel before I walked over the beach and then an image looking back at Groomsport village.  Usually I bring a flask of coffee and the last image is the calm and peaceful view I had drinking my coffee.
I am linking withTHROUGH MY LENS.

I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.
                                  Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. I love that second picture!!!

  2. The insect houses look good - I have plans to build one this winter to have it up and running for spring - I suspect I will not be short of time for such things!

    Hope you are well - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. You are looking good, I love seeing you! The second picture is beautiful! Are these some kind of ruins? a Bug Hotel?! What is the purpose? It is hard keeping bugs away!

  4. Looks like it was a cold walk. Beautiful scenery though.

  5. That's an amazing bug hotel. Back in January I was worried we might not get home in time to put my mason bee nesting blocks outside so I devised a partially covered bucket holding spot under the porch. Until we can get home I won't know if it was successful. The cardboard tubes are in the most danger if a mouse gets inside and chews through them. That's happened in the past. - Margy

  6. Lovely views. At least we are still able to go out for walks.

  7. A bug hotel, i'd not heard of such, i will look them up. Yes, i wouldn't mind drinking my coffee there, either.
