Saturday 25 April 2020


We are all in isolation still however allowed to have a daily walk.  I always walk in the early morning with virtually no one else around so come join my one my walks, it would be lovely to have your company albeit 6' apart! These are some beautiful lambs seen on my walk.
 I am linking with SATURDAY CRITTERS.

I hope you enjoyed walking with me today.
I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.
Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. I have been really enjoying our walks - thank you.

  2. Every spring I enjoyed the little sheep ...
    Our neighbor has a few sheep and 4 cows.
    Very nice photos!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. These are wonderful photos of the lambs!
    Take care and stay healthy!
    Greeting Elke

  4. Hello, thanks for taking me along on your walk. The lambs are just adorable. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your day, happy weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  5. Cute lambs! There is nothing more fun than watching them frolic. Stay safe. Happy Saturday!

  6. How precious! I'm so glad to be able to get out in nature for a little walk these days! Take care!

  7. We have a friend back home who has a small farm with lambs and goats. They used to run the local book store but have changed over to sustainable farming. - Margy

  8. So sweet! And you even caught him jumping!

  9. That was a lovely and fun walk!
