Saturday 18 April 2020


A lot of the world now is asking us to isolate but we can go out for a walk to get fresh air and some exercise so probably for the foreseeable future my photographs were taken during my walks. I watched lovely dog enjoying himself in the water as I sipped my coffee on a calm and peaceful early morning along the coastal path.
I am linking with SATURDAY CRITTERS.

I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.
Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. He IS very pretty, and rather unusual looking.

  2. He does look to be having a wonderful time.

  3. Hello. Beautiful dog. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Hello Margaret, it is great you are able to get outside for a walk. I love the pretty dog, great photos. Take care! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  5. I do like dogs, and this fellow is having a wonderful time at the beach. Good series, and I am glad you can enjoy your walks. Know I enjoy your photos.

  6. Sure looks like a refreshing romp! Stay safe!

  7. Thank you for sharing this, Margaret. Gini and I hope you are well.

  8. Beautiful, and looks well trained, too.
