Sunday 30 September 2018


 “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Photographed at Quarr Abbey, I.O.W.

Thanks you for your visit and comments.

Have a Blessed Sunday

Saturday 29 September 2018

SATURDAY CRITTERS Mount Stewart (Part 5)

On Tuesday’s Post, I told you about my walk with 3 Mallards to the Mount Stewart lake and when I arrived there over on the other side were the two adult Mute Swans with all six of the cygnets that had hatched this year.  I did not have time to go round to the other side to photograph them properly as I was due back in the Green Room to look after the Guest speakers and artists
I am linking it to SATURDAY CRITTERS.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Friday 28 September 2018


Time for The Weekend Roundup and Weekend Reflections and this week the letter is M and Many.  This is a photograph of MANY hedges, MAKING a MEANDERING MAZE with the MOUNTAINS of MOURNE in the background and this is MY FAVOURITE today. 
There are MANY paths with a MULTITUDE of turns and I had to be rescued!

Below is a close up images of an invasive, deep-rooted perennial weed that will spread quickly to form a dense carpet of foliage, crowding out less vigorous plants in beds and borders.  It is called MARE'S Tail.  You can see it has MANY branches from the MAIN stem and below that image are MANY stones.

Finally, a REFLECTION image with MANY waders at the 
WOW RSPB Centre in Belfast.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Thursday 27 September 2018

GOOD FENCES Mount Stewart (Paart 4)

These are more photographs of the gardens with fences that I shot during the Mount Stewart Conversations 2018 weekend.
I am linking it to GOOD FENCES.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Mount Stewart Conversations (Part 3)

As I said on Monday my job at Mount Stewart Conversations 2018 was looking after the Guest Speakers and artists in the Green room, however I was relieved to be able to take some photographs.  These are images of the event being set up and the some of the speakers were due to speak in the Main Hall where the stage, seating and sound equipment were  being put into place.

Some volunteers were dressed in costume to welcome the public.

Ruth was making sure the st John’s Ambulance was in the correct position and the catering team were in  full swing setting up. 

 Our General Manager John Kerr was on site to help and encourage staff and volunteers.

More tomorrow when I photographed some of the gardens.

Many thanks for visiting and also your comments.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY Mount Stewart (Part 2)

As I said yesterday, my job at the Mount Stewart  Conversations 2018 was looking after the Guest speakers and artists in the Green room, however I was relieved to be able to take some photographs. When I got outside another member of staff was trying to herd these three Mallard ducks out of the Courtyard where the public were entering the event.  So he asked me if I would walk them up to the lake!  Slowly but surely the 3 well behaved ducks made their way up the very long path from the house to the lake. Across a lawn and directly into the water.

On Saturday I will show you what I also saw on the other side of the lake.

I am linking it to WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Monday 24 September 2018

THROUGH MY LENS - Mount Stewart Conversations 2018 (Part 1)

This is the start of a number o posts about Mount Stewart Conversations 2018 and before it started that day, I took photographs of the sstaf setting up various areas for this event.  Both staff and volunteers worked so well together and this is Alan who works as a guide normally but today worked on the team of Artist Liaison. As you can see it is all quiet in front of Mount Stewart house because the public had not arrived yet.

This is the Educational Shed where we were well looked after by a team who supplied hot coffee/tea and goodies all day for the breaks we had from our jobs.

My job at Mount Stewart Conversations was looking after the Guest speakers and artists in the Green room (above), making them feel welcome, offering them tea/coffee. wine and lots of food supplied by the Mount Stewart kitchen.   The remainder of the images are other areas being set up. 

 I will continue with more photographs from the set up of Mount Stewart Conversations on Wednesday but tomorrow I will show you some unexpected   guests that I had to usher from the event site!

I am linking it to THROUGH MY LENS.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Sunday 23 September 2018


Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Photographed at Quarr Abbey, I.O.W.

Thanks you for your visit and comments.

Have a Blessed Sunday.

Saturday 22 September 2018


These photographs of these Black headed gulls, Speckled Wood butterfly and Dinky in his life jacket on a catamaran were taken during the visit to the Isle of Wight when I was looking after Dinky, my familys' dog.

I am linking it to SATURDAY CRITTERS.

Many thanks for visiting and also you comments.

Friday 21 September 2018


Time for The Weekend Roundup and Weekend Reflections.  This week the letter is L and Lonely. The first three images illustrate LONELY.  The first is my FAVOURITE and was taken in Scotland, the second image was taken at Quarr Abbey, near Ryde on the Isle of Wight.  One man in the abbey.  The third is my grandson sitting on a beach in Africa.


I photographed in the gardens of Birr Castle, Ireland.

This LONG ship  called the Stena LINE with its REFLECTION is LYING near the Wow RSPB Centre in Belfast.

Thanks you for visiting and also for any comments.