Wednesday 22 April 2020

Coastal walk views

We are all in isolation still however allowed to have a daily walk.  I always walk in the early morning with virtually no one else around so come join my one my walks, it would be lovely to have your company albeit 6' apart! This photograph today was taken as I walked the coastal path.

I hope you enjoyed walking with me today.
I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.

Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. I am confident that sharing your walk today we are more than six feet apart. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful views of the coastline! Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  3. Good coastal walk. Love looking into tide pools. Never know what you might find there. That boat trailer has ben there a long time. Perhaps the boat sank?

  4. Your walks are most beautiful.
