Thursday 23 April 2020


We are all in isolation still however allowed to have a daily walk.  I always walk in the early morning with virtually no one else around so come join my one my walks, it would be lovely to have your company albeit 6' apart! You have often heard me saying I am walking round Ballymacormick Point and this area is maintained by the National Trust.
 I am linking with GOOD FENCES.

I hope you enjoyed walking with me today.
I appreciate you visit and comments.

I may not be able to comments as much as usual as I seem to be busier with my many groups so that no one gets cabin fever, so I hope you understand that.
Difficult times for everyone so stay safe.


  1. Keep on walking! We have to make the best of things, after all.

  2. Yes, Ireland has more stone walls than any place I have been. Lovely photo.

  3. Ein sehr schönes Foto . . ein Zaun aus Steinen,
    man kann ihn überwinden.
    Bleib gesund
    Grüße aus Deutschland

  4. I used to marvel at all the stone fences that criss-crossed the gold country in the western foothills of the California Sierra-Nevada Mountains.

  5. We don't pass many people on our walks, but everyone is away and moves over to keep safe distances. - Margy

  6. Very lovely stonework fence! It fits the landscape.
