Tuesday 6 July 2021


This week I am taking you into Ward Park and we will be looking at two sets of Greylag Geese families and how they are growing up. Today, these 4 goslings are the older ones of the two families.

I am linking to WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY.

Many thanks for those who wished me a steady recovery.  I have improved and the pain is less, however my Physio says it will take quite some time before I have full movement in the left arm again and I will have to be patient.  I had a bit of a setback this week (my own fault, I thought I was a bit better than I actually was!!!)  So I will have to learn more patience!!!  So I usually will not be commenting as much as I normally do.  I know you all understand and for me it is important to be able to make the posts for others to enjoy at present as I can use my camera now for short periods but not my binoculars.

Thanks for all your comments and I hope you have a good day.


  1. I hope you are taking it really easy! These babies are almost grown, maybe teenagers. These are maybe Greylag Geese.

  2. What great birds - I remember many winter trips to see geese when I was in the UK. We dont get them arriving like that here!!

    Hope all is well - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. The geese are growing up fast.
    Take care of you. Please.

  4. Mother goose is carefully watching over her offspring. Konrad Lorenz developed a whole theory of learning by watching Gray Leg Geese.

  5. These goslings look to be well on their way to maturity.

  6. Juveniles are so fun and often a bit awkward. It's nice to see them growing, though.
