Wednesday 13 January 2021

A Nativity or Not!

These are a few photographs of my granddaughter Anna and her boyfriend, Jonathan who h  offered to make the “Nativity” scene out of foldant icing for the top of the Christmas cake.  I had hoped to photograph the completed cake later when finished, however while we were all out, their dog managed to eat everything off the top of the cake!!!!

Thank you Rose for sharing your images with us.

TiI hope you enjoyed this post today.


  1. I'm sure there's a lesson there someplace...

    1. The lesson learned (the hard way) is remember to push in all the kitchen chairs so the dog cannot climb on the table!!!

  2. That is one fastidious dog Margaret.:))

  3. All his artwork, gone! I hope the dog did not get a stomach ache!

  4. This reminds me of the story of the nun at the mission house whose job was to clean the restrooms. As soon as she'd done cleaning, someone would come in, and it wouldn't be clean any more. She went to the Mother Superior who said, "Don't worry, Sister, G-d saw it the first time!" Well, there may not be a picture, but those who were there saw it the first time, and i am sure they did a great job,

  5. Oh dear! Once I made a cake and iced it half with chocolate and half with vanilla because family members had different preferences. Our dog licked off all the chocolate and left the vanilla!
