Monday, 13 June 2016

THROUGH MY LENS - Clandeboye Estate (Part 2)

Clandeboye is a 2000 acre estate situated about 2 miles from my home town of Bangor in County Down, Northern Ireland.  The estate is currently home to Lindy, Marchioness of Dufferin and Ava, widow of the last Marquess and know as Lady Dufferine.  She opens the gounds and Courtyard once a year to the public.  Over the next 2 weeks, I hope you will join me as we wander round this wonderful estate looking at gardens, lake, birds and her award winning cattle herd along with activities in the Courtyard on that day.

The estate has been the home of the Blackwood family since the early seventeenth century and more about the estate and history can be found HERE

This buiding is a disused bird hide.

 There is a very large lake that took me nearly 2 hours to walk round. 

As a result of the work of the 1st Marquess, Clandeboye is home to the largest area of broad-leaved woodland in Northern Ireland, consisting mostly of oak, birch, and beech.  Amazingly, the grounds are tended by head gardener Fergus Thompson with only one assistant. 

I hope you enjoyed to the start of our walk around the estate.
Tomorrow we wil see the birds I saw on the lake.

I am linking this post with THROUGH MY LENS. 

Many thanks for visiting and also to those who leave comments.


  1. One gardener and one assistant? They must be very, very busy.
    And thank you for taking us to this glorious spot.

  2. This estate is more like a whole the country, of course! What fun I will have going along with you! So it is open once a year...for how long? My very favorite picture is #7, the woodland! It looks magical.

    1. Ginny It was only only 4 hours last Sunday and I couldn't possible shot all 2000 acreas but I can tell you my feet were sore as I walked for 3 solid hours. I had forgotten I had walked the Six Mile Water in Antrim the day before but my feet hadn't!!!

  3. Your photos really took me for a walk around the estate with you. Just lovely.

    1. You wil love the rest of our walk as the week goes on Rhonda.

  4. A large estate, with a unused bird hide, why is it unused?

    1. Becasue it is unsafe now and as I said the grounds are only open once a year so no one uses it now I suppose. A great pity Bob.

  5. Stunning! I would love to visit sometime! Your photos of the house and grounds are wonderful, Margaret!

    1. I will try and remember when it opens next year to let you know!

  6. Replies
    1. Indeed it is Tom Thanks for visiting adn hope you wil continue to pop in here.

  7. Hello, Margaret! What a beautiful tour of the estate and garden. Lovely views and images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  8. It looks a grand spot and is probably all the better for not being over manicured.

  9. What a wonderful place x

  10. Simply exquisite knowing I'll never see this face to face, this is the next best thing!

    1. Keep watching Karen, there is lots more to come and love

  11. Love everything and would love to visit. I especially like your shot of the trees.

  12. Whatever is the topic you choose, with your stunning photographs you never fail to leave me in awe, sweetest Margaret, I'm so very grateful to you for this, sweet friend !

    Hope your week is off to a good start I'm wishing you most wonderful days to come
    with extreme thankfulness

    Xx Dany

    1. Thank you for your very kind comment and I am very glad you enjooy my many different topic and photographs Daniela.

  13. What a wonderful place. So glad that they open at least once a year for all to enjoy!! I look forward for more from Clandeboye.

  14. You outdid yourself on this series. Many of these shots were tricky with the light and shadow. Well done!

  15. Wonderful place, wonderful pictures. I love those old mansions in your country, with their huge gardens.

  16. this is such a pretty estate!!! the trees are exceptionally gorgeous!!!

  17. that's impressive. to have an estate of this size whose grounds are cared for by one gardener and assistant, wow. beautiful estate and views. have a great night~

  18. Amazing - I always enjoy the estates in your country - we have nothing to compare here in the U.S. Especially on the west coast - where buildings from about 1866 are considered to be very very old - and there are fewer and fewer of them left.

  19. Excelente trabalho e belas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

  20. You do visit some beautiful and interesting places Margaret. Great photos and what a superb place to walk round :)

  21. Oh gosh, amazing images. Definately on my wish list when we get round to visiting Ireland. Thank you for sharing :)

  22. What a fascinating estate. I love that bird hide. Visiting Ireland is on my bucket list!

  23. Excellent photos!!So rich vegitation!!

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