Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Eileen's Garden

After we spent the day bird watching at Yarmouth with Tilly, we called into Eileen’s home for a cup of coffee and we let Tilly loose in the garden.  She had great fun and I have already showed you a video of that.  Eileen had several bird feeders at the very end of the garden and had many the small birds visiting them however it was a bit difficult to get good shots of them due to no cover and the pup racing around!!  Enjoy these few shots.

White Camellia

 Eileen's home backed onto open countryside so it very peaceful.

Blue Tit


 Primroses and Daffodils

Here is Tilly taking a short breather before racing around the garden again. 

 I hope you enjoyed this short post and I thanks you for visiting.

Also many thanks to those who left comments on my of my posts.


  1. Pretty garden Margaret, and I love that bird bath. Enjoy your day!

  2. just a beautiful yard! tilly is so cute.

  3. Beautiful shot of the camellia!
    What a lovely garden!!! I could see myself spending hours there. What a gorgeous view as well.
    Hope you're having a great week!

  4. Such a sleek and shining piece of coal that Tilly is! Pretty garden to visit too . . .

  5. The primroses are looking well. Spring seems to have sprunga good bit sooner at Eileens than here in my locality.

  6. A wonderful retreat. We are required to manicure our lawns and shrubs-- everything possible to keep it from being bird-friendly.

  7. What an exquisite garden Eileen has got there, and it looks like it is natural.

  8. What a lovely garden! Thank you for the comment today on the music lessons. I am sorry you were unable to keep the old German piano. That must have such a treasure.

  9. Your friend has a beautiful garden, lovely flowers. And Tilly is a cutie! Lovely post.
