Friday, 6 December 2013

Sanderlings at Ryde, I.O.W.

The first and third day, Eileen and I started birding down at Ryde Esplanade where on both occasions we saw these little Sanderling running up and down the beach.  A few of the photos are Eileen and you will see near the end, that we spotted 2 with coloured rings on.  Eileen sent the information to the correct researcher and received details back which I will share with you later in the post.  At the end there is a small video of both Eileen and my clips.
This is the view we had of the Sanderlings.  I wonder can you even see them?
This view is a bit closer and you can see the difference between the size of the Sanderlings, Oystercatcher, Black headed Gulls and Dark bellied Brent Geese.
All the photos have been cropped so the quality is not as good.

Look how big that Black headed Gull looks in comparison to the Sanderlings
These last 4 shots are the Sanderlings we discovered with coloured tags on.
As you can see both birds have different coloured bands.  However both birds were catch at the same place which was Eastoke,Hayling Island Hampshire and both were ringed by Peter Potts of the Farlington Ringing Group.  One on the 19 August 20013 and the other on 18 September 2013. 
 The next sightings of these 2 birds were by us on the 2 December at
Ryde East Sands, I.O.W.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these Sanderlings and now you can see them in action on the beach.  They sent us a lot of interesting information on the research being done on these little birds.

The video can be accessed at

If there is a black space below,  click it and the video will appear.

I hope you enjoyed seeing these Sanderlings on Ryde beach.
Tomorrow, I will continue with my
Saturdays post and show you Part 2 of the Pale bellied Brent Geese that I started last week.
Thank you f or visiting and leaving comment on any of my posts.


  1. I love Sanderlings and could watch them forever...gorgeous shots Margaret, my favourite today is the one with Sea Gull dropping in!!

  2. I know all about having to crop in Margaret! Oh for a fabulous camera that costs a lot more than I can afford. Lovely to see those Sanderlings though - such charming birds.

  3. A real study in shades of gray! Those sanderlings look like little wind-up toys in the video. I am posting this directly into your blog's comment section in addition to comments I placed under the link to your blog in Google+

  4. Busy little birds aren't they Margaret? You got some lovely video clips of them as they dashed across the sand, it's not easy considering how fast they move!
    On of those ringed birds is doing very well for it's age!!!!!...[;o)

    1. HI Trevor Glad you liked the Sanderlings and video clips. Perhaps I should consider putting rings on my legs so I could move faster!!! Thanks for your comments. They always make me smile.

  5. HI Kenneth No that comment has come through to my blog. I would be interested to know if the comments you made on Goggle plus should have come through to here? If not, then they are not adding the comments to the end of my post! The other 2 comments came through via google +. Hope this makes sense to you. Anyway I am glad you liked the Sanderlings and thanks for all comments everywhere!

  6. They really blend in with their surroundings, don't they? I especially liked the close-up shots of individual sanderlings among colorful rocks and shells. That gull did look huge!

  7. Such charming little birds! Love your shots and your video. Hope your pre christmas season is filled with wonderful days!

  8. Just so you know, I am writing this comment on the bottom of your blog, not in Google+. I think the only way that the Google+ comments will appear here is if you link you blog to Google+. Perhaps others with more experience can shed more light on how this works. It seems that Blogger Dashboard no longer notifies me of a comment for approval, and it no longer provides a count ot comments since I linked to Google+. This is pretty weird.

    1. Hi Kenneth I have replied about this situation on google+ for you to see.

  9. Margaret I must take back one thing I said-- the Blogger dashboard DOES provide a count of comments for each blog post, but does not have a queue for those awaiting approval. I guess that by linking to Google+ I lose the ability to pre-approve posts (although since I do not allow anonymous posts I no longer receive spam comments).

  10. a superb series of photos, Margaret! love the texture too. such beautiful little guys and i did enjoy the video.
    thanks for sharing.
    wish you a wonderful weekend

  11. sander lings are so cute!

  12. they're very cute, but i'd be picking thru those shells and pebbles, myself.

  13. Nice shots! and there is quite a bit of size difference!

  14. Sanderlings are one of my favorite shore birds Margaret. I love how they scurry along the sand, dodging the surf. They create quite a ballet. Beautiful pictures and very enjoyable video.

  15. Love those Sanderlings, you have some of the beauties.

  16. I very much like this series of photos, Margaret!

  17. The Sanderlings are so much fun to watch running along the shoreline. I love them! Great shots and post. Have a happy weekend!

  18. they are so fun to watch, with their quick little, scamper type run!!

    very nice captures!!!

  19. Nice little birds. I have leg flagged some sanderling - but this one is not one of ours!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  20. that intro' photograph is fabulous Margaret; wonderful Sanderlings post

  21. Cute birds. You got some great shots. Have a nice weekend!

  22. Great photos of a great little bird Margaret. All of my bird and moth photos have to be cropped! Very interesting to read about where the two had been ringed :)

  23. Cute little birds. I enjoyed your video too. It was fun to watch them run around looking for food.

  24. I wonder if the gull feels like it is the big sister. :) Great shots.

  25. These are adorable little things! I love their daintiness.

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