Sunday, 15 December 2013

Murmuration of Starlings Flying Into Roost

As promised, I will continue my Saturday's post today and show you on video how, after the thousands of Starlings had gather together just before they went to roost under the Albert Bridge in Belfast, they filed off in groups. 

By the way, for the  people who has seen the video yesterday, I have now added music to it at the suggestion of Roger, another Blogger and thanks to him it is much improved.  I have also added different music to today's video however as I wanted you to hear the Starlings at the roost, I have put on that clip separately at the end of the post so you can hopefully hear the noise they are making from under the bridge.

You can access the first video at

Music - Midsummer's Night Dream by Mendelssohn
If there is a black space below, click it and the video will appear.


This very short video of the Starling at roost can be accessed at

If there is a black space below, clock it and the video will appear.

For me, this has been a marathon however it has been well worth it and from yesterdays comments you also have enjoyed this

Marvellous, Mesmerising Murmuration of Starlings.
Thank you  for visiting my post and especially to those who left comments.


  1. A lovely sight to see Margaret, a great video and an excellent choice of music to accompany it...[;o)

    1. Hi Trevor. Many thanks. Glad you enjoyed it today Nd hope you managed to see yesterday's one of the Starling gathering from beginning few hundred to. Total mass. Hope you are having great weekend

  2. Wow!!! Margaret you've outdone yourself on these videos!!

  3. I remember seeing flocks of starlings at Preston Bus Station when i was younger, a startling sight.........

  4. Very cool videos, Margaret! It is amazing sight to watch these birds doing what looks like an aerial dance. Happy Sunday!

  5. bloody fantastic,Margaret! pure genius !!

  6. Love the videos! Isn't it amazing how they can fly like that, like in a swarm, quickly changing direction, and not crash into each other with piles of dead birds left on the ground! What an amazing Designer/Creator!! It's just beautiful. And don't you love the words for various groupings of creatures. Murmuration of Starlings, Murder of Crows, etc. So fun!

  7. I was totally fascinated watching that video.

  8. Margaret, fantastic view ...
    I'm thrilled.
    I send greetings.

  9. Unbelievable! Great choreography-- the birds performed right in time with your music!

    1. HI Kenneth Well now, the trouble I had training all those Starlings and I wonder did you notice a few truned up late!! I am fg ad youenjoyed both birds and music. Many thanks for your comments.

  10. Magnificent. I am probably in the minority though, I preferred the videos without music.
    Either way, they are a wonder. Can you imagine the chaos if that many people were travelling together?

    1. HI EC You are in the minority however my forned eileen from the i.O.W. preferred the videos without music so you are not alone. Either way it was amazing and I thank you are comment.

  11. The first video is very impressive, with the haunting and almost hypnotic movements of the birds. Very effective and beautiful.

  12. I CAN hear their high pitched tweeting in the bridge video. At times, they look like a bird tornado!!

  13. Love that first video and the music is perfect. When you see birds like this in flight, you have to keep watching for birds involved in mid air collisions to be falling down from the sky! pretty amazing to watch!

  14. It's so strange.....the shape shift and everytime they do so a number of them drop out from the cloud. Very interesting. I haven't seen them do that here in the US......I wonder if they do.
