Saturday 20 April 2024


On one of my early morning walks I met this man and his dog and was amzed that the dog was wearing shoes. On enquiry, I learned that the dog was allergic to one of the grasses, hence the shoes!

! am linking to SATURDAY CRITTERS

 I appreciate your visit and comments.

 I hope you enjoyed this post today.


  1. What a good idea to protect the poor dog's feet.

  2. Dear Margaret, thanks for sharing this cute post. The dog certainly is obedient. My Skabby does not permit me to touch his paws. Have a great weekend Jo

  3. I've seen dogs wearing shoes in freezing cold weather, but never for allergies. It is a good looking dog.

  4. My daughter tried to get Coda dog used to booties because of how hot the ground gets here in the summer, but she wanted nothing to do with it. I'm glad this dog cooperates with the shoes.
