Wednesday 5 July 2023

The R.N.L.I to the Rescue at Portrush

These photographs were taken when I was  visiting my niece in Portrush, Co Antrim and we went to see the Raft Race on the beach.  The RNLI. put on a demonstration rescue which I started showing you on Monday.  These shots are the final rescue.

 I appreciate your visit and comments.

 I hope you enjoyed this post today.


  1. A big thank you to all such rescue organisations.

  2. The Portrush Lifeboat is a remarkable craft. I'd be seasick in 30 seconds, but I'd feel safe.

  3. Fine action shots of this rescue. Good that it was a demonstration allowing the crews to practice their rescue skills.

  4. I'm glad they practice and practice and demonstrate and demonstrate and have it down to a fine art for when it's really needed.
