Friday, 27 September 2013

Garden Birds at Breakfast Time

Often while having my breakfast I sit at a window looking onto my back garden (with camera) and watch the birds that arrive in a 15 minute period.   The small birds are a bit tricky  to photograph as thy are so quick at the feeders so I thought I might catch more footage on video which you will see at the end of the post.
I have 2 Collared Doves come regularly however only one of them was there that morning.

There is always a Robin in my  garden and I think sometimes he thinks he is a Hummingbird as he tries to hover at the feeders!


The Coal, Blue and Great Tits are regular visitors however do not stay long on the feeders but quickly dash into the bushes and trees to consume the seeds.  I managed to catch a few more birds on the video so hopefully you will enjoy it.

The video can be accessed at

If there is a black space below, click it and the video will appear.

I hope you enjoyed the birds that arrived in my back garden the other day.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. So much fun watching these little birds at the feeders. Very nice shots!

  2. So that's what a video should look like. Something for me to aspire to.

  3. HI Adrian I am no expert but have just learned since I started blogging. I shall email you.

  4. those eurasian collared-doves are so cute. we get some here, now, too. i know they're 'invasive' but i still like them.

  5. your dove is very nice. One we don´t have. The Robin we have but not so much in my area.

  6. Very nice! The video is really good. I've posted a couple, but I'm clearly not in the same class as you.
    When I see a single dove, I always wonder if something happened to it's mate. We've had a mated pair around our house for several years. For the past six months or so, there has only been one. I have to admit that it makes me a bit sad.

  7. How nice to see someone else who gets distracted by their avian visitors. We spend a LOT of time looking out our windows at the birds each day - and I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your windows at your birds. Thank you.

  8. The Great Tit is a new bird for me! Why the name, is it like a huge titmouse, yet it does not look like one. Your blue flowers are so pretty, what are they?

  9. The dove is beautiful. Not one that we see where I live. Great footage on the video, too.

  10. enjoyed the photos and also the video Margaret. That dove sure was trying its best to bathe even though very shallow

  11. Garden birds are always good value to watch.

    I though of a few "passing through the heads" jokes /puns but thankfully I thought better of it!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  12. Lovely - the Collared Dove is beautiful - for some reason we rarely get them in the garden these days.

    Watching garden birds can give so much pleasure :) Great video too!

  13. I love Collared Doves - only ever seen the one up here though!

  14. Watching from the house when its raining, sounds like a good plan to me Margaret.
    That Collared Dove appeared to have quite a distinct black ring around its neck, more than usual I thought.

  15. I have zebra doves over here.

    I love to see when they do courting.

  16. HI ALL the blogger above. I am running out of time and I have read all the comments and I appreciate everyone of them and all of you having taken the time to write them. Lobelia is the blue flower Ginny. I am glad you alllliked the post especially the Dove. when I was returning from my weekend, I stopped the car to see 16 Collared Doves sitting on a wire. Don't think I have seen so many together before. Hope you all had a great weekend. I have so many photos to process!!!!! Havve patience with me please!!!

  17. Your Dove is lovely!
