week for Friday’s Hunt challenge we have the letter I, Favourite shot and Pink and of
course also James’ Weekend Reflections. I think I will start with PINK. This a a rare water plant that according to Colleen, the owner does not flower in this area however she did not know the name of it.
Anyone know the ID? Thanks to Keith it is called Flowering-Rush.
as promised I said I would tell you the story of how I INJURED my little finger. You can also see my curled up INDEX finger in this shot below.
The first day my family from Malawi was here I took the children into Ward Park to play on the swings etc. and they were jumping on a piece of equipment that went round and round. So they whizzed it round then jumped on and so I thought I could do the same. I know at my age you would think I would have a bit of wit!!! Anyhow, my little finger hit a steel bar and the pain was excruciating. I moved the finger and still had full bending movement so my daughter, who like me, is a nurse strapped the 2 fingers together, using the second finger as a splint. We thought that this is all they would do in hospital.

The next day I was
taking them away to my old caravan for 3 nights. The finger was very swollen, very badly
bruised and painful and of course it was the hand I use so I very glad the
family were here to help. I carried on
and then the following week we went to Blessingbourne House for 4 days, still
very swollen and sore and now we were beginning to think it was probably broken,
however I was determined that the family were going to have a good time. We had abandoned the splint by this
time. As all my posts were scheduled in
and I was not commenting, I did not need to use the computer much.
Anyhow, when the family left N.Ireland I decided to go
to the hospital to discover a piece of bone was off the side of the finger and a
small crack was just over the knuckle and the capsule had been damaged. A
splint was made for me which I had to keep on another week, and then exercise
it another week and yesterday I saw the consultant and he said, it would take
6 months for the swelling to go down and would be painful for a while. So there you have it.
So let's have some calming reflection from the lake at Blessingbourne House now. Judith and I took the rowing boat out after dinner as the sun was going down and I thought you might like to see these reflections and perhaps have a FAVOURITE.
Many thanks for visiting and also commenting and for a while I will not be commenting as much so that the finger heals more quickly (I hope)