Friday, 20 July 2018


 Time for Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup and this week it is letter C and Couple and I start with a C in hedge form.  Then other than the last one of a COUPLE, the others were taken on one of my walks from my old CARAVAN.

There are a COUPLE of bees and below is my old CARAVAN. She is 26 years old but looks the same inside and I love it as it is in the countryside overlooking the sea.  Now I have CATTLE in the field, COWS and CALVES.

Along the COUNTRY road is a beautiful COUNTRY COTTAGE and some of the fields have CROPS of potatoes and also a CROP of barley. Then we come to a CURVE in the road and come to Ballydorn Lightship where the Down CRUISING CLUB meet and my REFECTION  image

Back to the CARAVAN and this is part of my view from the front window and perhaps you can see Sketrick CASTLE over on the other side of the water.  Finally a COUPLE I photographed in Ireland just after their wedding.  Look at her CUTE wedding shoes and the flowers COVERING on her shoes.

I have just returned from my old caravan were I do not have Internet and am about to now travel to Scotland so I want to thanks all who left comments and I am sorry this summer I am going to be away a lot and unfortunately I have not the time to comment on your posts.
I hope you continue to visit as I am hoping to schedule my posts in for you to look at.


  1. They are spectacular shoes. Have fun in your travels.

  2. wonderful pictures!! You're lucky to have such nice neighbors when you stay at your caravan.

  3. Wonderful impressions form your travels. The seaside sure looks inviting.

  4. Beautiful set of pictures. It's not often you see a short wedding dress.It takes me back to my wedding.My dress was also about knee length.

  5. Those shoes are adorable, my first thought was a school dance, not a wedding! They both look so young, especially the bride. Enjoy your trips, Margaret!

  6. these shoes! and a beautiful cottage too!


  7. Nice shots! I like the reflection and what a cute caravan.

  8. Margaret, this is a lovely "C" post. I really like your Caravan. Here in the U.S. we call them Small Campers. We would like to have one but we aren't prepared for that. Our vehicles would not pull it and we don't have a place to keep it. The cows and calves look happy. Your couple look happy and fresh.
    Have a nice week!!!
