Friday 16 October 2020


Time for Weekend Reflections and The Weekend Roundup and the letter is P and  Plentiful.  You can see in the  first three images the flowers are PURPLE and that the Thistle has PRICKLY leaves.  Then there are a PAIR of Mallard ducks, followed by a PINE tree with a PLENTIFUL supply of POINTED needles.  That is followed by a Dallia flower head made up of a PLENTIFUL number of PETALS

 On one of the walls is a PLENTIFUL harvest of PEARS and the PROTECTIVE PLASTIC cover will hopefully help to keep the frost away from the PEACH tree.  I spied this PERSON PICKING the apples and admired the  fountain with the water POURING over its edges.  As I was walking home I PASSED PINKERTON'S POOCH stop dish for dogs to have a drink.  My final image is a PEACEFUL scene with a PERFECT REFLECTION.

TiI hope you enjoyed this post today.

I appreciate your visit and comments.


  1. Hello Margaret,
    Beautiful series of photos. I love all the flowers. It is interesting to see how they protect the peach tree from the frost. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. The fountain is gorgeous! I love the colors of the flowers. Do you know what this plant is in picture 5? I have never seen one like it.

  3. They are all nice pictures, Margaret. My favorites vote ended in a three way tie which included the Reflections waterway, the ducks, and the thistle.
    I like the dog stop dish, and its idea. Dogs too get thirsty on hot days. I saw my first one on the sidewalk in the fun part of Omaha, Nebraska. In our part of Texas, the Houston area, the sidewalks are too hot for barefoot dogs to be summer walking.

  4. What a great selection of photos. The green is my favourite.

  5. Great photos! My favorite this week would be the Thistle flower. It's so pretty! Have a nice weekend, Margaret!

  6. ...Margaret, you sure have PLENTY of PRETTY Ps today. The PROTECTIVE PLASTIC cover to help to keep the frost away from the PEACH tree is a clever idea. Have a peachy day!!!

  7. So beautiful views and photos.

  8. The flowers are beautiful and I like the reflection photo!
