Saturday, 11 February 2017


For linking with SATURDAY CRITTERS today I am showing you two Herring Gulls that I photographed and videoed displaying to one another the other day.  I thought it was a bit early to be doing this but then I am not a bird!!  Enjoy. 

If the video does not appear below, CLICK HERE.

Next Tuesday I have a lovely video of Eider Ducks displaying so hope you pop in then to view that.

Thank for visiting today and also for the comments you leave here.


  1. ...I need to give a video a try one of these days.

  2. We get to see many gulls, especially during spring and fall tilling. I have seen flocks of thousands of gulls following tractors across a field.

  3. Wonderful shots of the herring gulls.

  4. Hello Margaret, great photos of the gulls. I enjoyed the video too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Very beautiful birds! Happy weekend!

  6. It is too early, Margaret!! She flashed him and he barely batted an eyeball.
    We have gulls that look that here. But at our house a lot more doves. I saw a whitiesh bird drinking from our spa waterfall (goes into the pool). I must patch the giant inflated swan and get him back into the water. He scares the birds into going to the neighbors' instead.

  7. So interesting, with those head bobs! the one in the first picture sure is screaming! Are they mates?

  8. Nice pics and love the video. Interesting to see their head movements. Thanks for taking the time to video them.

  9. Gulls are some commonly seen-- just about everyplace. But I never get tired of watching them!

  10. I'll just bet they are up to some mischief.

  11. As much as the gulls can at times be annoying,I am looking forward to watching them again this spring and summer.

  12. Gulls are such fun to watch. Such great photos and video footage.

  13. I love gulls. I didn't know that the Herring Gulls were on your side of the world. Really cool! I grew up with these guys on our beaches in Wisconsin.
