Saturday, 30 June 2018


These images were taken in Ward Park near my home.  
They are Greylag geese with three goslings..
I am linking with SATURDAY CRITTERS.

Many thanks for visiting and also commenting.

Friday, 29 June 2018


Time for THE WEEKEND ROUNDUP and WEEKEND REFLECTIONS. The letter this week is Z  and Zany.  We will start with ZANY.  My friend Sue and I wrote a short play where there were 2 Basset dogs and their dog owner.  Sue and I were the Bassets on the day and our friend Linda was the owner.  The sketch was hilarious as the Bassets misbehaved big time and Linda had a terrible time controlling us and although we never really stuck to the script but ad libbed the audience roared with laughter.  We all three knew how Bassets behaved as all three of us had Bassets as pets in the past. These are shots from that day!

On one of my walks I managed to pick up a few words beginning with ā€˜Zā€™ and you can see these here after which I leave you with a REFLECTION image.

Many thanks for visiting and also thanks for any comments.

Thursday, 28 June 2018


These fences images were all taken at the Portavoe Reservoir.
I am linking with GOOD FENCES.

Many thanks for visiting and also commenting.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Portavoe Reservoir Birds

These images were taken at the Portavoe Reservoir 
and are of a Moorhen and Coot.

Many thanks for visiting and also commenting.

Tuesday, 26 June 2018


These images were taken at the Portavoe Reservoir and are of a Mute Swan family with 5 cygnets although as you can see from the first image they were in the reeds and quite a distance away.
I am linking with WILD BIRD WEDNESDAY.

Many thanks for visiting and also commenting.

Monday, 25 June 2018


These images were taken at the Quoile Pondage and the second image is a Little Grebe and the last two areTufted duck. 
I am linking with THROUGH MY LENS.

Many thanks for visiting and also commenting.

Sunday, 24 June 2018


They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.  

Photographed at Portavoe
May 2018

Thank you for visiting and also for commentating.

Have a Blessed Sunday

Saturday, 23 June 2018

SATURDAY CRITTERS - Goose performing ballet!

I photographed this Greylag goose in Ward Park preforming ballet.  i think it must be Swan Lake as it looks like she is dying in the last shot!
I am linking with SATURDAY CRITTERS.

Thanks you for visiting and also for your comments.

Friday, 22 June 2018


Time for THE WEEKEND ROUNDUP and WEEKEND REFLECTIONS. The letter this week is Y and Yellow.  Below is my REFLECTION image which also has two YELLOW lifebuoys on board these YACHTS and the following image is of a YELLOW YACHT with some YELLOW buoys in the water. Next we have this beautiful YELLOW Gorse and the YELLOW legs and beak of this goose.

As I walked through Bangor I spotted The YOGURT Tree cafƩ, a notice for the Best YOUNG Chef, some YELLOW workman's railings, a sign to tell you there were humps for 200 YARDS (we call these sleeping policmen) and finally a YOUNG girl walking along the prominade with her grandparents.

Many thanks for visiting and also thanks for any comments.