My U3A bird group were looking forward to a day out at Oxford
Island in Country Antrim however, one of them had a hospital appointment, one
fell down the stairs the evening before, 3 others on their way got held up in
Belfast and never made it, however the three that did, had the most wonderful
sunny day of birding.
Oxford Island is located on the shores of Lough Neagh. It is owned and managed by Craigavon Borough
Council and much of the area is designated as a National Nature Reserve due to
its wide variety of habitats such as reed beds, open water, wildlife ponds and
wildflower meadows.
We walked through a wooded area to the covered hide and on
our way heard a Chiffchaff and saw a Greenfinch. Just
to the left of the hide was a Coot sitting on her 2 eggs and being attended by
the male with extra nesting repairing material.
2 Eggs of Coot |
There were about 10 pairs of Great crested Grebes all displaying
wonderfully to each other.
Great Crested Grebes displaying & Pochard sleeping |
There were
Tufted, Pochard and Shoveler ducks along with a few Moorhen and a Heron. A flock of 10 Swallows were catching flies
over the water.
Tufted Duck - both male and female |
Then we walked down to the Waterside open hide we stopped to look at a Robin who sat on my hand.
Robin eating from my hand |
We were
very fortunate to see the (rare to Northern Ireland) Black necked Grebe. It has been hanging around for the past week and
we had great views of it though the telescope.
Also present was the Little Grebe and more Great Crested Grebe along
with the same species of ducks already mentioned above.
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Great Crested Grebe having just caught a fish |
A Peregrine flew overheard. There was another Coot nesting on a floating
nest. On leaving the hide we saw Willow
Warbler and Blackcap.
We drove up to the Discovery Centre and enjoyed a sumptuous
Discovery Centre |
Over lunch we were entertained by 2 Pied Wagtail who were very industrious in collecting nesting
material for their nest which was under the Discovery Centre.
Pied Wagtail (male) with nesting material |
We then walked through a different
wooded area and visited another hide where we saw Mute Swan and a breeding Cormorant
flew over the water.
Mute Swan
To the left of the hide, builders were finishing off a new building
that they are hoping the Sand Martins will come to nest in this year.
As we were leaving
this hide I delighted to see swaths of Lesser Celandine. The name Celandine comes from the Latin chelidonia meaning Swallow and it was said that the flowers bloomed when the Swallows returned and faded when they left. It was lovely to see my first Swallow of the year and these pretty flowers today. Also there was a wonderful patch
of Wood Anemone variety Purpurea.
Lesser Celandine- Ranunculus ficaria |
Wood Anemone - Anemone nemorosa var. purpurea |
I had brought wild bird seed with me and I put some onto one
of the members’ hands and within seconds we were surrounded by Robin,
Chaffinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit and Coal Tit with a Dunnock on the ground
catching the dropped seed. One by one
they came and sat on her hand, took a seed and quickly retreated to a bush again. It was wonderful to see these
small birds so close at hand and I think if we had not moved on, we still could
be there. Now and again, when we stopped
we all took turns in feeding the small birds from our hands.
Great Tit feeding from my hand |
On the return journey, we saw, Hooded Crow, Magpie, Jackdaw
and Rook and Buzzard. We enjoyed the
day’s birding tremendously and were only sorry the rest had not been able to
join us.